Apparatus for Treating Metal Articles

Author:  David C. Turnbull
Source:  US Patent 2,154,879
Doc ID:  1936005
Year of Publication:  1936
This invention relates to apparatus for treating metal articles. In cleaning, polishing, hardening or otherwise treating the surfaces of metallic objects, the objects treated should be manipulated in such manner that all or predetermined portions of the surfaces of the articles are uniformly exposed to treatment, and preferably the length of time of such exposure should be positively controlled. Where the articles to be treated are relatively small and rugged and are suitably shaped, they can be coneniently presented for treatment in various types of tumbling apparatus now in use. However, where the articles are large and heavy, or irregular in shape, or fragile and breakable, tumbling is not suitable. Further, where the articles have cavities or projections, it is necessary to present these cavities or projections to the abrasive stream in such a manner that all areas will be uniformly treated. To attain maximum efficiency and economy the apparatus should be designed that the process can be carried out continuously without shutting down the apparatus, as is necessary in batch operations.

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