Shot Peening AMS 2430

Author:  SAE
Source:  SAE: AMS 2430, Issued 09/01/1948
Doc ID:  1948011
Year of Publication:  1948
To impose compressive stresses on specified surface layers of metallic parts, primarily for increasing fatigue strength but may be used for other purposes such as testing for bond of plated material. NOTE: The use and designation of types of test specimens and measuring gages will largely depend on the specific results desired. In general, the almen"A" specimen is used except for high intensities where the arc height of the Almen "A" specimen would exceed 0.020", in which case the "C" specimen is usually used. It should be noted that the Almen Gage #1 measures the curvature in a longitudinal directin only, whereas the Almen Gage #2 averages the curvature in both longitudinal and transverse directions; peening oblique to the surface may be better controlled by use of the Almen gage #2.

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