Apparatus for Separating Abrasive Blasting Media from Debris

Author:  James R. Goff
Source:  US Patent 4,364,823
Doc ID:  1981131
Year of Publication:  1981
An apparatus for separating debris from spent abrasive in an abrasive blasting apparatus in which the debris and spent abrasive are recirculated from a blast zone at high velocity along a recirculating chamber includes means for receiving debris and spent abrasive from the recirculating chamber and allowing a quantity of the debris and spent abrasive to collect thereby forming a pile of debris and spent abrasive with a face of the pile exposed to incoming debris and spent abrasive. The pile has an angle of repose whereby additional incoming debris and spent abrasive fall down the face to form a substantially unobstructed, vertical, uniform curtain of falling debris and spent abrasive. The apparatus includes means for providing a stream of fluid through the recirculating chamber, and means disposed below the receiving means for drawing off the stream of fluid from the recirculating chamber. The falling curtain of debris and spent abrasive is washed by the stream of fluid as it passes from the recirculating chamber to the drawing means to entrain the debris from the falling curtain in the stream of fluid.