Method for Simultaneous Peening and Smoothing

Author:  Neal et al.
Source:  US Patent 4,454,740
Doc ID:  1981134
Year of Publication:  1981
A method for simultaneously shot peening and smoothing includes use of relatively large, smooth, hard, spherical steel shot having a substantially uniform diameter in the range 1-2.5 mm. Titanium workpieces are provided in one step with a compressive stress layer of the order of0.13 mm and a surface finish of better than 15X10 to the -6 inch AA. Surface finish and peening intensity are inter-related and dependent on shot diameter, mass, velocity, and energy within relatively small limits. The shot diameter is uniform within +/-0.05 mm; the shot impact velocity is uniform within +/- percent or less, in the range 1.4-12 m/s.

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