Blasting Machine Utilizing Sublimable Particles

Author:  Fong, Altizer, Arnold, Lawson
Source:  US Patent 4,389,820
Doc ID:  1983013
Year of Publication:  1983
A blasting machine utilizing sublimable particles comprising forming means for producing particles having a substantially univorm length thereto, dispensing means for receiving the particles and for introducting the particles into a low pressure transport gas flow, and a nozzle for accelerating the particles and having a high pressure, low velocity gas flow coupled to it, the nozzle being adapted to convert the high pressure, low volocity gas flow into a low pressure, high velocity gas flow. A conduit coupled to the nozzle and the dispensing means receives the particles and introduces the particles into the low pressure, high velocity gas flow within the nozzle which entrains the particles and accelerates them to a high exit velocity.