Power Stroking Honing Machine and Control Apparatus

Author:  Alfred J. Raven, III
Source:  US Patent 4,423,567
Doc ID:  1984079
Year of Publication:  1984
A beam stroker honing machine is controlled to provide a vertical stroke by means of a series of non-contacting sensors. The sensors are plurality of reed switches which sense the position of a bydraulic cylinder which moves the honing beam up and down. The switches are operated by a magnetic poston associated with the cylinder and by selecting a switch the length of the stroke can be changed during machine operation. The honing machine also provides a power dwell operation which allows the honing tool to remain and reciprocate over a small distance at the bottom of the cylinder being honed for selectable peroid of time. After power dwell operation the honong machine is returned to tis normal vertical stroke selected as above described.