Method for Preparing a Steel Charge from Terneplate Scrap Metal

Author:  Herter, Carl J.
Source:  US Patent 4,547,227
Doc ID:  1985027
Year of Publication:  1985
A process is disclosed for treating terneplate scrap contaminated with combustibles, such as found in automobile gas tanks, to reduce the alloy content of the scrap to a sufficient level to permit the scrap to be reprocessed in an electric furnace. In the process the contaminated terneplate metal is introduced into the feed end of a degreaser maintained at about 200 degrees F. by live steam. The degreaser includes a cutting device for downsizing the metal scrap and a vaporized emulsion is advanced to a condensor and separator for recycling the caustic to the degreaser and the hydrocarbons to storage. After drying, the metal feed is introduced into a glass bead blaster which emoves the lead and tin from the metal feed, thereby leaving a scrap metal feed with a lead and tim percent sufficiently low to be suitable for use as a charge in a steel making furnace.