Method for Improving the Release and Finish Characteristics of Metal Stamping Dies

Author:  James L. Reed
Source:  US Patent 4,581,913
Doc ID:  1986163
Year of Publication:  1986
A method for improving the release and finish characteristics of metal stamping dies includes shot peening the interior die cavity walls with substantially spherical shot having a hardness value at least equal to the hardness value of the die cavity walls. Optimizing the parameters of the peening process, such as the Almen intensity and the shot type, size, hardness and uniformity, maximizes the improvement to the release and finish characteristics of the die. Optionally, the initial shot peening is followed by a second shot peening with substantially spherical glass beads. Metal stamping dies shot peened in accordance with the present method exhibit substantial improvement in their release and finish characteristics over unpeened dies.

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