Particulate Solids Flow

Author:  Ron John, Tealgate Ltd.
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 05/Issue 3, Fall 1991
Doc ID:  1991113
Year of Publication:  1991
Professor Maurice Beck of UMIST England, once said, with typical English reserve, "Measuring the flow of particulate solids is notoriously difficult". He wasn't saying half of it; it's HELLISH DIFFICULT. The flow of particles in a pipe or duct will change its flow regime for very many reasons, and all of the variables are interactive. The conveying system is in continuous flux; and a major contributor to this is the system used to introduce the media into the air flow on most 'conventional' shot peening machines. A full-throat metering system, such as that employed in the MagnaValve, can eliminate the feed variations due to air pressure changes.

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