Quality Control of Shot Media by Sieve Analysis

Author:  Per Bohn, Production Engineer Impact Processes
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 13/Issue 2, Summer 1999
Doc ID:  1999083
Year of Publication:  1999
Reprinted with permission from the Proceedings of ICSP5. ABSTRACT Concerning shot peen processing, the governing factors to ensure high quality results are more than steering of process and capabilities of equipment. The quality of shot media, be it manufactured from glass, steel, ceramic or any other material, is vital in ensuring satisfactory process results. The quality of shot media is variable. One of the major problems is being able to guarantee shot sizes from lot to lot. It can be difficult to clearly define requirements and tolerances. Problems can arise with the failure to obtain a result correlation of shot size between supplier, shot peen source and shot peen processed end product customer.

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