New Compact Vacu-Blast Closed-Circuit Machine for Marine and Construction Applications

Author:  News Release
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 13/Issue 2, Summer 1999
Doc ID:  1999086
Year of Publication:  1999
Vacu-Blast, part of the USF Surface Preparation Group, has introduced a new, economically-priced Closed-Circuit mobile, dust-free abrasive blasting machine, specifically for in situ applications in the marine, construction and civil engineering sectors. The PBA06-3 Compact machine has been custom-designed to provide a compact and powerful mobile blaster for rust and corrosion removal, paint stripping, weld preparation and cleaning, and the preparation and cleasing of concrete surfaces - enabling these tasks to be carried out on-site without hindering other nearby operations and without the need for special protective clothing.

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