The Parting Shot - Education

Author:  Jack Champaigne
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 17 / Issue 2, Spring 2003
Doc ID:  2003055
Year of Publication:  2003
I notice that I spend more time on training and education than any other activity at Electronics Inc. But, perhaps this is what is most important. This supports my premise about organizational goals: "Perpetuation of the Organization". This implies that the single, most important goal or activity of an organization or entity is to do whatever is necessary or required to perpetuate the organization. This applies to all walks of life whether you are a large corporation like General Motors, a small grocery store, a family, a congressman that needs to get re-elected, and so on. The important goal is to perpetuate the organization. The analogy in a biologic sense is perpetuation of our characteristics by passing our genes onto the next generation. After our children inherit our traits we go further to teach them values and skills. For our employees, we teach them the skills needed so they too can contribute to the perpetuation of the company. This is where education plays a very important role. We want to improve our resources so we can efficiently continue to perpetuate the organization.

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