The Parting Shot, In with the New . . .

Author:  Jack Champaigne
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 19 / Issue 1, Winter 2005
Doc ID:  2005025
Year of Publication:  2005
Gears. That's what makes the world go 'round. And, in many cases, without shot peening these gears wouldn't be around for very long. Peening will increase the fatigue strength and extend the fatigue life of gears while allowing a significant reduction in their weight. So, what prevents more people from peening gears? Our two nemesis: Ignorance and apathy. There are people that don't know about peening benefits and people that don't care about peening benefits. The fear is that it's either a dirty and messy process or a process not well understood and then we hear "I don't want to be blamed if something goes wrong." Despite these fears, gear peening does have a very long history. Consider the following quotation:

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