Putting Turbulence to Work

Author:  Shot Peening Staff
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 22 / Issue 1, Winter 2008
Doc ID:  2008001
Year of Publication:  2008
Here's one of those wish-I'd-thought-of-it-first products that turns a liability into an asset. Steven Carpenter, an engineer with extensive experience in the foundry industry and an owner and partner at Grand Northern Products, has developed a process that puts turbulence to work-cleaning difficult-to-reach passages and highly-cored and deep components. "When I worked in foundries, first as a chief engineer and then as a plant manager, we found a common problem when cleaning interior passages, especially small I.D.'s with long and / or irregular sections," said Mr. Carpenter. "In an effort to create turbulence that could be controlled, we tried introducing blast streams from opposing ends with some amazing results," he added.

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