Low Plasticity Burnishing Extends P-3 Orion’s Life Span

Author:  Justin Combs, Lambda Technologies
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 26 / Issue 3, Summer 2012
Doc ID:  2012026
Year of Publication:  2012
PRODUCT NEWS: EXTENDING AIRCRAFT LIFESPAN THE P-3 ORION turboprop aircraft has been in active military service for almost 50 years. These planes were developed to operate in the harshest environments and are used for surveillance, combat, cargo and research duties. The P-3 has seen action in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. With a new focus on cost savings, the U.S. military has begun extending the required service life of its airborne fleet. By developing new technologies and maintenance methods, they hope to increase the lifespan of critical planes, such as the P-3, by 20 years or more. Until viable replacements can be developed, each year that a model can see continuous service saves millions of tax dollars.

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