2017 Almen Strip Consistency Testing Results

Author:  Electronics Inc.
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 32, Issue 1, Winter 2018
Doc ID:  2018008
Year of Publication:  2018
QUALITY CONTROL TESTING SINCE 2007 Electronics Inc. (EI) developed a performance consistency testing program on their A and N Almen strips in 2007 to ensure they are consistent in thickness, flatness and hardness. The purpose of EI’s testing program is to verify that the strips will perform consistently, from lot to lot, from year to year. TESTING METHOD EI built an air blast cabinet with a variable speed rotary table with 26 Almen strip holders, a fixture for adjusting nozzle distance from the strips, a MagnaValve® for media flow rate control, and controls to adjust air pressure and table rotation. During testing, the table is rotated at a fixed speed, and the cabinet is set for a specific pressure and constant media flow rate so each strip passes under the blast nozzle at the same angular velocity for the same predetermined number of revolutions.

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