The Surprising Benefits of a Shot Peening Workshop

Author:  Kathy Levy | Associate Editor
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 32, Issue 3, Summer 2018
Doc ID:  2018031
Year of Publication:  2018
SURPRISE! This article has nothing to do with shot peening training. It won’t promote classes in intensity, coverage or machine maintenance. It will, however, address three specific groups of people—Decision Makers, Exhibitors, and Employers—but please read ahead to see if you can take advantage of the same benefits they receive from participating in an Electronics Inc. (EI) Shot Peening Workshop. #1: BENEFITS TO DECISION MAKERS: The “decision makers” in the context of this article are the people challenged with the task of bringing shot peening in house. I can’t stress this strongly enough: The decision makers should attend a shot peening workshop BEFORE making big decisions, especially equipment purchases. The following are three scenarios that highlight the reasons decision makers should attend a workshop.

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