Dr. Kirk’s Articles: The Backstory

Author:  Kathy Levy | Associate Editor
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 33, Issue 2, Spring 2019
Doc ID:  2019020
Year of Publication:  2019
The relationship between Dr. David Kirk and Jack Champaigne (Editor of The Shot Peener magazine) began in 1993 when they met at the 5th International Conference on Shot Peening in Oxford, United Kingdom. Dr. Kirk organized the conference and edited the Proceedings. He was Chairman of the School of Materials at Coventry University in Coventry, United Kingdom at the time. Mr. Champaigne was so impressed by Dr. Kirk’s knowledge of the shot peening process that he asked him to write for The Shot Peener. It wasn’t until Dr. Kirk retired in 1998 and after he contributed to seven research papers and an article on shot peening for Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology that he committed to the undertaking. His first article titled “Image Analysis and Computer Microscopy of Shot Particles” was featured in the Summer 2001 magazine.

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