Nano Peenâ„¢ Technology

Author:  Peterson Spring: Ronald Check, Willard Schultz, and Chris Osborn
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 34, Issue 3, Summer 2020
Doc ID:  2020029
Year of Publication:  2020
INTRODUCTION Peterson Spring has developed and refined a peening technology for highly stressed springs that greatly enhances fatigue life by as much as 35%. Previously it was not possible to shot peen small springs that had outside diameters under 3 mm with wire sizes below 0.5 mm and/or very tight pitch spacing (less than 0.3 mm between the spring coils). Peterson Spring has industrialized a production process and methodology to manufacture small critical springs with a beneficial residual compressive stress. This innovation will allow springs to be made more efficiently (smaller) to carry more load and have higher cycle life for demanding applications such as fuel systems, medical, aerospace, and military uses.

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