ICSP14—See You in 2021!

Author:  Mario Guagliano
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 34, Issue 3, Summer 2020
Doc ID:  2020030
Year of Publication:  2020
The current emergency due to the COVID-19 virus has suddenly changed everyone’s life. Due to the restrictions caused by the need to control, reduce and hopefully annul the infection rate, the complete conference calendar in 2020 has been suppressed. ICSP14 has been postponed to next year considering the pandemic global situation. Now it is time to start thinking ahead to the new ICSP14 to be held in 2021. It is really sad to write this article after recently making an announcement on the postponement of the 14th International Conference on Shot Peening that was to be held in Milan, Italy in September 2020. Since that time we have received many high quality abstracts from all over the world and have been contacted by multiple companies interested in exhibiting their products and services at ICSP14. Everything was running fine and an exciting event was expected.

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