Machine Learning and Shot Peening:The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

Author:  TUBACEX and University of Cantabria
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 34, Issue 4, Fall 2020
Doc ID:  2020034
Year of Publication:  2020
A recent research collaboration between TUBACEX and the University of Cantabria has revealed the potential benefits of implementing Machine Learning with Artificial Neural Networks for problem solving, know-how generation, and cost reduction in the metallurgic sector of shot-peened parts. WHY SHOT PEENING? TUBACEX is the second largest producer worldwide of seamless tubes in stainless steel and high-nickel alloys. It is one of the few companies that has integrated all production stages including steel manufacturing, hot extrusion and cold rolling of tubes. TUBACEX has industrial facilities in Spain, Austria, India, Thailand and the United States, and a network of commercial offices all over the world.

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