ITAMCO Revolutionizes Gear Manufacturing at THRIVE Energy Conference

Author:  ITAMCO |
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 38, Issue 3, Summer 2024
Doc ID:  2024025
Year of Publication:  2024
The recent THRIVE Energy Conference in February, 2024 served as a prime platform for ITAMCO (Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies) to unveil its ground-breaking advancements in gear manufacturing technology. Amidst discussions on energy innovation and sustainability, ITAMCO seized the opportunity to showcase its key innovations that are reshaping the landscape of gear production. At the heart of ITAMCO’s presentation was its cuttingedge use of machine learning (ML) and advanced analytics in gear manufacturing processes. By harnessing ML algorithms, ITAMCO has pioneered energy efficient solutions specifically tailored for gear systems. These solutions enable lower energy consumption of the gear manufacturing process.

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