Sand-Blast Apparatus

Author:  Jeremiah Eugene Mathewson
Source:  US Patent 610,189
Doc ID:  1898000
Year of Publication:  1898
The cleaning of castings, forgings, &c., to remove scale, and and other matter which may adhere to the articles as they come from the foundry or elsewhere has been effected by means of the sand-blast with great advantage. One mode of procedure has been to place the articles in a suitable position and to direct the sand-blast (the apparatus being supported in the hands of the operator) onto them. This mode, while being eminently suitable for large work, was obviously hardly practical for small castings, forgings, &c., and therefore these articles have been placed in a tumbling-barrel and the sand-blast has been directed upon them through a trunnion-hole. The tumbling-barrel was contained in a suitable casing and rested on driven rollers, by which means a slow rotary motion was communicated to it, so that one part or face of each article was exposed for a certain time to the action of the blast and was then by the movement of the barrel caused to tumble over and roll down to the bottom of the pile, thus presenting another part or face to the action of the blast.

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