Product Review - FanBlast Nozzles Provide High Speed, Wide Path Stripping

Author:  Shot Peening Staff
Source:  The Shot Peener magazine, Vol 19 / Issue 4, Fall 2005
Doc ID:  2005086
Year of Publication:  2005
According to Pauli Systems, state-of-the-art fluid dynamics technology make their FanBlast nozzles an industry break-through in high speed surface stripping and peening. FanBlast flat nozzles provide a wide uniform blast pattern enabling faster, more efficient surface stripping and peening. What's more, FanBlast doubles the production rate on coatings such as tenacious epoxy primer and polyurethane top coats. You require less compressed air, less time and labor, and use less media. With round nozzles, some areas are blasted more than others due to a higher volume of media in the blast stream center. The center of a round nozzle blast area receives more blasting action and the edges receive less, causing overblasting in some area and underblasting in others.

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